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Koolwire Contacts(for email based conversions)

1. mp3@koolwire.com: Send an email with a .wav as attachment and you will get the .wav file converted to .mp3 and delivered to your inbox.

2. pdf@koolwire.com: Convert attachments of type .doc, .xls, .ppt to pdf.

3. doc@koolwire.com: Convert .pdf files to .doc or .rtf format.

4. wav@koolwire.com: Convert .mp3 files to .wav files.

Other useful mail based conversion contact are iphone@pdfonline.com but i think the file size limit is more stringent than the koolwire contacts, andย pdf2text@adobe.com (you guess what it does).

Other Useful Contacts:

1. <—–>@mms.youtube.com: Ever heard of Youtube? ya its that website that allows you to watch videos etc. You can ofcourse upload your content too. Do you use a mobile camera to do the recordings? well just create a profile at >>> ๐Ÿ˜‰ <<< and you can then mail your videos. (Yes it will take a little longer to upload)

2. www@web2mail.com: Send an email with no body but URL of a webpage as the subject and you will get a copy of that page delivered into your inbox. A lot better than sending text links to your friends!

3. <—–>@prod.writely.com: Register for a Google Docs accounts at >>> ๐Ÿ˜‰ <<< then go here You will see a unique email id that is (lets see can i find a word for it.. okay i will say..) DIFFICULT to remember(thats why you add is at contact) where you can mail your documents and they are added to your google docs account.

4. <—–>@rmilk.com: Register for and account at rememberthemilk.com and then you will get this unique id. All emails sent to the contact get added as tasks to be done.

5. go@blogger.com: This is for the “on the go” blogger. Just mail any image to this address and it gets added as a new post on the blog.

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